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Официјално лого на ЈЗУ Клиничка болница Тетово



About us


PHI Clinical hospital Tetovo is a public health institution that compares specialist-consultative activity and hospital health activity of a general hospital and health activity of a clinical hospital in the medical fields of Urology, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics and Traumatology, Eye diseases, diseases of the ear, nose and throat, Neonatology, Psychiatry, Neurology and Oncology. The Hospital provides high-quality health care in the region of the municipality of Tetovo and all the way to the northwestern part of Macedonia, providing health services to a population of about 300.000.

In the PHI Clinical hospital Tetovo, are also carried out educational activities and professional trainings for Health employees, in the field of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry.

Besides it is carried out training of secondary health personnel and professional training of health associates.

The mission is to provide qualitative and comprehensive health care which we do through:

  • Ensuring an accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment, improving the health of patients, as well as saving lives.
  • Constantly improving the level of our services.
  • Protection of patient safety and benefitting their trust.

Mutual respect, cooperation and opportunities for staff development, equipping with modern equipment and providing of adequate space are the main features of our hospital’s policy to ensure full commitment to the protection of human health, life and dignity of patients.


PHI Clinical hospital Tetovo is to grow into university clinic with services provided in tertiary health care that will use the latest advances in medicine, using the most sophisticated medical equipment to provide health services from the entire northwestern region of Macedonia.

PHI Clinical hospital Tetovo is to grow into university clinic which, in addition to carrying out specialist-consultative and hospital activities from certain branches of medicine will also create educational activities, specializations of health workers and activities of scientific research.

As a clinical center, it will perform health services that require expertise, organizational and technological complex and multidisciplinary health treatment from certain branches of medicine, building and implementing doctrinal medical expert criteria in its field and providing expert methodological assistance to health institutions from relevant side of medicine.

Patients per year
Years of experience
Check-up per day
Doctors specialists

Our goal

Growing from a clinical hospital to a University Clinical Center providing tertiary heath care services, we have a highly professional staff and serve the population from the entire northwest region, with modern hospital equipment, increased budget, contacting donors for the equipment of hospital, reducing costs, drugs, tests, shortening the average number of hospital days, approving the doctrine of treatment as well as remunerating employees appropirately.

The History of PHI Clinical Hospital Tetovo

By the Decision of the Assembly of the Municipality of Tetovo no. 10-17285/6 from 29.12.1965 are merged into one legal entity:

- Health House Tetovo,
- Institute for Health Care Tetovo,
- Tetovo General Hospital,
- Local Pharmacy Tetovo,
- Health stations v. Zherovjane, Zhelino, Teartse and the Teartse Pharmacy.

29th December 1965

The Health Institution “Medical Center” – Tetovo is established by the Assembly of the Municipality of Tetovo by Resolution US. No. 10/66 dated 31.01196.

31th January 1966

Until 2005, this Health Institution operated under the name of “Medical Center” – Tetovo.

Until the year 2005

From the date 01.01.2006, PHI “Medical Center” – Tetovo was divided into two legal entities:
- PHI General Hospital Tetovo
- PHI Tetovo Health Center.


By decision of the Ministry of Health of R.M no. 10-17285/6 of 04.07.2008 PERMISSION IS GRANTED for the extension of PHI Tetovo General Hospital to function as Tetovo Clinical Hospital.


By the decision of R.M. No. 19-2200/1 dated 15.04.2008, PHI General Hospital Tetovo transfers and is established as a Clinical Hospital.


By the decision no. 30220080002008 dated 22.04.2008 PHI Clinical Hospital Tetovo is registered in the central register.
